Pulled out, dusted off, filled up and hung out the bird feeders. I don't like to keep them out year around. I'm afraid the birds will get too lazy and complacent, not to mention the expense. I want them to catch and eat the bad insects from our gardens instead and to earn their keep and in return, come winter time, out come the feeders. That's a fair deal I think!
It's amazing just how fast these feathered creatures discover the feeders. Perhaps, there's something in the bird world, i.e. a feathered gossip line, similar to the "twilight bark" that Pongo and Perdia used to ask for help in locating their stolen puppies (101 Dalmatians).
Anyway, this fall we've been having a boat load of Morning Doves visiting our feeders, pictured above. More than I've ever seen in one place before. They've been coming by the dozens! I counted 28 just the other day, WOW! Just hope they stick around.