Wishing all a Happy Healthy and Prosperous 2013!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
First Snowfall of the Season!
Ain't it perdy?!?!
We're all shoveled out - the driveway, walkway, the deck and pathway to the chicken coop.
The sun is now out but cold and windy.
Emilie is getting ready, soon to be picked up, and heading off to do some sledding/tubing with her friends.
We're relaxing inside and looking forward to the New England Patriots vs Miami Dolphins kickoff come 4PM.
Who's Watching Who?
Emilie was very excited to see her feline friend roaming in the neighbors back yard yesterday morning. So much so that she bolted outside and called her over. This cat is fond of Emilie and trotted right over. Of course the treat that Emilie offers her certainly do help.
Wary and watching the entire process was a doe deer, circled in red. There were actually two deer and up until the cat happened by, both were contently lying down. However, the cat stirred them up and shortly thereafter they moved on their way.
So, I'm not sure who was watching who? Me watching the deer. The deer watching the cat. Emilie watching the cat. Me watching Emilie calling the cat while also watching the deer watch the cat and Emilie, phew...
Burn Barrel or Incinerator or Both?
I always look forward to my visiting my farmer friend especially when the weather turns colder and the burn barrel is a glow!
Always nice to hangout and talk, drink coffee and snack on bread while keeping warm by the roaring fire. Wish we lived closer!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Dig In!
We had some friends over the house last weekend to celebrate Christmas, hangout and watch the struggling New England Patriots just squeak by the lowly Jaguars.
Here are the hors d'Ĺ“uvre that JoAnne prepared and, BURP, they were scrumptious too!!
You should've joined us!
Before and After...
Before -
After -
A spark of inspiration and motivation hit me the other day, so I took advantage of those urges and organized my basement work area and bench.
It was long overdue for sure and looks SO much better too! Plus items are organized and much easier to locate. There's still much to do in the basement but this is a start.
Lights Camera Action!
Ever since the days got shorter and the cold weather moved in our Buff Orpington hens have stopped laying eggs, alas. As a part of this weather/season change they also went into a molt, which I believe they've completed or at least in the latter stages.
This year, and for the very first time, I bought the fix'ns and have installed a "night" light in the coop. I'm using a timer to turn the light and extend their day light, which in turn should induce them to start laying again.
Last night was night number 1.
One of the items I purchased for this experiment was a timer, which I've set to turn on at 4:00PM and then off at 10:00PM. Hopefully, another ~6 hours of day light will stimulate them to begin laying again. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
"Grampy" Picture Wall
Well, I finally got around to hanging my grandfather's paintings and drawings.
I dedicated a wall just for his work.
Most of these pictures had been hanging throughout my folks house, however, since the house has been cleaned, emptied and rented they've made their way to our homestead. I believe there may be a few more stored in the garage but they're not accessible at the moment and won't be till Spring, so for now this is the "Grampy" picture wall look.
Also, notice the family heirloom Victrola in the foreground.
Interesting Egg Facts
The freshness of an egg can be determined by a simple test. A very fresh egg will sink in water. An older egg will stand on end at the bottom of the water, and an old egg will float at the surface. As an egg ages the quantity of air in the shell increases and the inner membrane pulls away from the shell. Due to these characteristics, a very fresh egg that is hard-boiled will be difficult to peel. Use older eggs for hard boiling.
Fresh eggs have yolks that will remain firm after cracking; older egg yolks “flatten out” after cracking.
Generally speaking, breeds of chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, while those with red earlobes lay brown eggs.
Due to the hen's increased hormone levels, sometimes she may produce a two-yolk or, more rarely, a three-yolk egg. It’s a condition seen more often in young hens, and in meat-type strains of hens.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Christmas Decorating Idea
I put the wreath on the inside of our door, so we're the one's that gets to see and enjoy it.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Two Moo Arrivals!
Here is a picture of baby calf number 1,a girl, with her mother behind her.
And here is a picture of baby calf number 2, also a girl.
They're about 3-weeks old in these pictures and only a couple of days a part in age.
Number 2 is shy, much more than number 1 but both adorable. I could sit an watch them for hours. The calf's are full of energy and constantly running and jumping and on the go.
There is one more expected anytime now. Just hope that the weather cooperates, as it did for the arrival of these two above, and stays on the milder side.
"Over Here Moe"
Pay no attention to the man, er the sow, behind the mask I mean ears!
This breed of pig is known as an American Landrace.
They're known for their super large ears, which ultimately drop to cover their face. This "little" piggie will be going to market soon!
I Flipped (over the traffic)!
I got stuck in horrendous traffic on Rt. 128 coming home from visiting my farmer friend last weekend. It was backed up and slow going for miles. What typically takes about 1 hour took close to 2 to get home.
Of course I have no idea what happened but my guess, which in part is based on what I see during my commutes to and from work ALL the time, is this dip-wad was driving too fast, or texting or talking on the phone - you know being an inconsiderate prick. I certainly hope that the(they) didn't get hurt but gotta tell yeah happy just the same.
Karma my friends, karma!
The Real Special Delivery!
We received this lovely Christmas themed arrangement for our 2nd anniversary.
It fits in perfectly with all the decorations we throughout the house. It lights up too!
Special Delivery!
FexEX was by the other afternoon to drop off a package. They also left behind quite the chemical spill in our driveway! Well, no a spill but certainly a mess. Emilie noticed this getting off the bus, thought it was interesting and took some pictures. I would have preferred red and green Christmas colors myself...
Friday, December 21, 2012
I'm sure this is considered inappropriate now-a-days. However, not back when I was growing up.
I found this while going through some of my "stuff" (crap) that I had when I was a youte. There's just so much that it's overwhelming but I'm making a dent, slowly. Of course if you saw what my basement looked like you'd think otherwise.
Baby steps...
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Thursday, December 06, 2012
"Watch some TV & have some snacks"
So, I was reading the online Foxnews story about (a murder-suicide) the man, a college instructor, who fought his son to give his students time to flee before being shot in the head with an arrow and killed - it's tragic for sure and goes without saying.
However, there are a couple paragraphs in this story (see below), that I find SO very troubling and hard to understand. I mean sure you want to mind your own business, that's fine and I can appreciate. Let's say that when this woman and her daughter arrived home Arnold was in the street arguing with someone. This would be a good example of hustling into the house to mind your own business and not to get involved. Put on the boob-tube, maybe Ellen or Dr. Phil, and make yourself a snack. However, and correct if I'm wrong but once you come upon a body (Arnold) lying in the street doesn't the whole "mind your own business" concept become null and void?! How at that point can anyone "watch some TV and have some snacks"?! What if Arnold, the body, was still alive? Perhaps a 911 call could have saved his life?
Sadly, I feel this is an example of what our society has come to.
Heather Meier, who lives across the street, said she came home from work Friday afternoon after picking up her 7-year-old daughter from school, and the two saw Arnold's body still lying in the street.
"As soon as we got home, we just shut the curtains," she said. "You know, tried to just watch some TV, have some snacks, mind our own business."
To read more, click here, Foxnews story.
However, there are a couple paragraphs in this story (see below), that I find SO very troubling and hard to understand. I mean sure you want to mind your own business, that's fine and I can appreciate. Let's say that when this woman and her daughter arrived home Arnold was in the street arguing with someone. This would be a good example of hustling into the house to mind your own business and not to get involved. Put on the boob-tube, maybe Ellen or Dr. Phil, and make yourself a snack. However, and correct if I'm wrong but once you come upon a body (Arnold) lying in the street doesn't the whole "mind your own business" concept become null and void?! How at that point can anyone "watch some TV and have some snacks"?! What if Arnold, the body, was still alive? Perhaps a 911 call could have saved his life?
Sadly, I feel this is an example of what our society has come to.
Heather Meier, who lives across the street, said she came home from work Friday afternoon after picking up her 7-year-old daughter from school, and the two saw Arnold's body still lying in the street.
"As soon as we got home, we just shut the curtains," she said. "You know, tried to just watch some TV, have some snacks, mind our own business."
To read more, click here, Foxnews story.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
"Start Me Up" (Rolling Stones Song)
Here is what my car looks like most morning now a days, brr!
Fortunately for me JoAnne surprised me and had a remote starter installed. Clearly she knew that I was NOT going to get both sides of the garage cleaned out enough to be able to get our two vehicles in and out of the weather.
The remote starter, which is another item on my list of best inventions ever, works perfectly. I'm able stand in the window, from the warm comfort of our living room, and start'r up! So by the time I get my butt inside, she's toasty warm.
Not too bad an alternative to a warm, dry garage. However, the catch is going to be when there's snow covering the car but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I've Reached My Quota...
So, apparently I've maxed out my free Google photo storage space, see message below. The majority is from all the photos I've posted to my blog over the years. Slim chance that I'll be purchasing additional storage space. Rather I will need to go back through some of my earlier postings and remove some pictures, alas.
"Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage.
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more."
Never a dull moment.
"Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage.
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more."
Never a dull moment.
I'm Seeing Red!
Cardinal red that is!
This dude was content to sit in that one spot for close to 30 minutes.
It was Thanksgiving morning, so perhaps he was waiting for the food to be served or the spanking that the New England Patriots handed to the lowly New York Jets.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Back to the Future
What a deal!
JoAnne and Marty McFly picked up our Thanksgiving turkey the other day.
Mmm and it was delicious!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Celastrina Ladon, Maybe?? Can't Be Sure.
I believe this is some type of Azure butterfly; perhaps the Summer Azure, but I can't be certain.
As you can see, this picture was taken back in August, when the flowers were still in bloom and the butterflies and insects were busy-as-a-bee.
This Azure was bee-bopping from flower to flower to flower on this Joe-Pye Weed and was difficult to get a picture of. This is the best I could do, so it'll have to do, until I can try to do it again, phew.
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
We had a little excitement out by the street on Saturday. By the way that Franklin's finest came roaring in; from both directions, with lights flashing and how they basically blocked the road you would have thought something really bad was about to go down.
However, in the end, it looks like they stopped four youts that were walking down the sidewalk. For what I don't know but I'm guessing it wasn't for anything too serious as the kids were let to go on their merry way after a short detainment.
My guess is just four dopey, dumb-ass teenagers, not thinking and doing something stupid and two board police officers getting a chance to drive fast and flash their lights.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Squirrel Tree...
With the arrival of the cold weather and long winter ahead, the dreaded Grey Squirrels have reappeared and are scurrying around foraging for nuts.
I didn't see too many throughout the summer, and was hopeful they all moved on but alas that's not the case.
These dudes are loving the Hickory nuts from the neighbors yard. There are typically 4 or 5 of these varmints hanging out at any given time. Often time fighting one another for the tasty treat.
I'm sure it won't be too long now before they realize I've hung the bird feeders. They'll be raiding it soon, which will be a mistake...
Monday, November 19, 2012
ding ding, ding ding Lunch is Ready!
It's that time of the year when I put out and fill the bird feeders, and suet feeders, which was done this past weekend.
It didn't take long before we had feathered visitors. It's uncanny how quickly they realize that these treats exist.
Here are several pictures of Bluebirds that arrived to dine yesterday afternoon. These have to be one of my favorites. I suspect they'll be in and out all winter long just like last year. Who can pass up a free meal?! Also, there are several Bittersweet vines out back that are loaded with berries (you can see some in the top picture), which most birdies devour.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Chase The Chills Away!

Do you know what this is a picture of?
It's on my list as one of the best inventions ever! If you've ever needed/used one of the items that come out of this unit I think you'd agree too.
Ah, heavenly...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Frosted Banana Perhaps?!
I'm sure you've all heard the urban saying, "the frost is on the pumpkin" (which by the way I just learned means "time for love making" after the hard work of the harvest is done).
Well, how about frost on your banana? Ever hear this saying?
Pictured above are about a half dozen cold hardy banana trees that my farmer friend Tim has planted here in New England. He started with just two plants but they've been producing babies (off-shoots). I took one of the babies home with me the last time I was down for a visit. Since it was closing in on the cold weather and not enough time to plant in the ground have it establish itself, it's happily growing away in a pot in our downstairs bathroom.
I can't remember the name of these plants but will make a point to write it down when I visit again. Apparently, there is a "process" that needs to be follow in order to winterize these trees. I believe the leaves need to be removed and the stems and base wrapped and mulched heavily with leaves.
Hopefully, Tim has done all this and his trees are ready for the long, cold New England Winter.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Bombus Race or Resting?!
Snapped this photo of these two Bumblebees (of the bee genus Bombus) just hanging out on the side of our house this past August. Generally speaking, I like the Bumblebee along with the Honeybee. They're both busy little insects and both have a pretty good disposition and tolerance level, unlike the dreaded Yellow-Jacket.
Like the Fritillary Butterflies, there were scads of bees, hornets, wasps, etc. throughout our yard this past summer, all reaping their rewards of pollen from our abundance of flowers and the insects that they attract.
Froggie Went A Courtin
Shh, notice how still the frog is so not to frighten the Fritillary Butterfly that's resting at his feet, statuesque!
We had oodles and oodles of these Fritillary Butterflies this past summer! The simply LOVED our Butterfly bushes. Hopefully, they'll return next year too.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Today's Work Place Chuckle
Walking to the cafeteria this morning for my cup of coffee I passed one of the facilities folks, Brian. He was pushing a cart filled with paper goods and stopping at the various kitchenette stations to ensure they're fully stocked and clean.
He's a young kid; very friendly and personable and we always exchange pleasantries.
This morning the passing hallway conversation went like this:
ME: Morning Brian!
BRIAN: Good Morning!
ME: How's it going today?
BRIAN: <chuckles> Living the dream...
ME: <hahaha> - Me too! Have a good day!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Enough Junk / Spam
Here is a snap shot of what my Junk folder looks like and this was only after less than 8 hours after I had emptied it of the prior junk.
Don't these SOB's have anything better to do?
I wonder how many people respond to these BS fishing emails and get taken or have their machines infected with a virus?
Wish there was a way to return the favor to these vultures!
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