Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"I'm Batman"

 We had a bit of a tizzy here this past Saturday afternoon.  

Seems a bat was out and about at 3ish in the afternoon.  It was acting strange; not flying to well, flying awful low, out in the hot, humid day and didn't seem to be bothered or scared of us humans.  It was skimming the pool, with a couple times just breaking the water.  Grabbing a drink?  Grabbing a floating insect?  Not sure but it would fly a short distance away and land in trees.  Did these numerous times.  The pics below show it resting, I guess, just hanging upside down.  Didn't stay like that too long before it took off again, doing the same things.

We summize this was a juvenile bat.  One that hasn't been taught the ropes yet and took off early (or perhaps a late night, wink wink) and ventured out on it's own.  Slim chance it was rabid.  It eventually flew off, hopefully home safe and sound, but it's presence had the recent HS graduates in a tizzy...

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