Friday, June 12, 2020

Why Did The Turtle "Try to" Cross The Road

Be still my beating heart!

Look what Emilie saved crossing the street, a spotted turtle!  He's a lucky boy for sure.  I've seen or held one of these beauties in years, many many years.  Brings back some great childhood memories, when we'd catch these and painted turtles.  Who didn't have a kiddie pool in their backyards filled with turtles?!  Sure do miss those days...

This handsome specimen is a male!  We put him in a tank until we were able to release him. He didn't waste any time eating the worms we dropped into the tank, gobbled them right down!

Playing shy -

His undercarriage - 

Here's a pic from his perspective on his new home.  He sat there a short while contemplating his move and then BAM off he bolted with a KERPLUNK!

Hoping he stays away from the roadways.

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