Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Bring It On!

I spent last weekend, actually the past two weekends, winterizing our chicken coop\rabbit hutch.  I believe we're all set for whatever mother nature has to throw at us this winter.  The import thing is that all drafts have been eliminated, with only certain area left open to allow some fresh air and ventilation.

This is the first batch of chickens that has me scratching my head.  They're some typical of today's snowflakes, so fussy and needy.  I toss in table scrapes and goodies, e.g. bread, crackers, lettuce, etc. and they don't know what to do with it and spend more time investigating and ultimately not touching.  I've had chickens since I was kid and cannot recall ever having such birds.

Also, this is the first batch of chickens that thought it was a good idea to pick at and eat through the plastic!  I kid you not, hence the reason this was a two weekend project.  They ate the entire bottom right section, which had to be removed and replaced.  I used old cardboard boxes along the bottom half, which you can see in the above pic, in the hopes of preventing them from eating this plastic.  The added cardboard should help with wind also, so a win win.

Special care was made to ensure Jack 2.0s cage is bundled up tight too.  Although, an old timer, his time spending winters in the garage are over.  He's relegated to coop life full time now.

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