Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sunday AM Visitors

At 9:11AM on Sunday morning, while making breakfast, I noticed mr skunk here making it's way, hurriedly, to it's lair under the neighbors shed. Leaving a stinky trail behind him for some reason.  At late night filling it's belly with grub.

At 9:14AM, just a mere 3-minutes later the below two dogs came a running.  Assuming drawn by the smell but minutes too late.  It would have made my day had I been able to watch the dogs attach the skunk and get sprayed!  Leash law in Franklin clearly doesn't apply to everyone's dog, so getting sprayed would have been a justly reminder to keep their pets on their leash.

The skunk will still be here and it's obvious so will the leash-less dogs, so a good spraying is still a possibility...

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