Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Walking Stick Bug

What a find, a Walking Stick Bug!
I went out yesterday afternoon to grab the mail and noticed this awesome, unique and rare (in my book) critter hanging on my garage door.

Seems it thought it was well hidden, as it did not move when I approached it nor when I had the tape measure next to it. Rather it stuck out like a sore thumb!  Good thing I wasn't a predator looking for a snack.

The below sideview pic is great and captures it's eye really well - 

I relocated the dude onto a potted geranium inside the pool fence.  Hoping it's better hidden with many more options for it to move to and hide in safety -

Certainly a VERY cool find for sure!

I haven't seen one in years, so spotting this one was special.  Interestingly, I had never seen one until I moved to Franklin back in 2000.  Perhaps, Franklin is where all the Walking Stick bugs hail from, you think?!

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