Thursday, April 13, 2023

Cat Turds

Admittedly, I have SO much trouble litter box scooping cat poop!

Oliver's litter box is a round dome covered type of unit.

All in all, it works well. No complaints.

Here's the issue -

The area where the liter goes is rounded.

The pooper-scooper is square.

I swear Oliver intentionally poops precisely where the square scooper can't reach.

Kind of like trying to get that one pea off your plate and onto your fork.  Or that one hair stuck to the shower wall off by tossing handfuls of water at it as it scooches every so slightly with each attempt.

Try as I may, I'm seldom successful in getting all the turds scooped in one shot, UGH!  My first impression is to use a finger to help, like skootching that one pea onto the fork, but then I remember I'm in a litter box. There's NO finger skootching of a cat turd, no way no how!

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