Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Sad State of Affairs II

I'm sure there are others that would disagree with me and that's perfectly fine, as everyone has their own opinion.  However, this is my opinion, which is based on more than just this one example.  There are others, plenty actually, but for now this one will suffice.

These pic are examples of how lazy and entitled people tend to be these days.  Doing only what's in their interest and what's best for them, and to hell with everybody else.

The first two pictures are items that folks have put out curbside  and offering up as "free stuff".  Neither of these locations are in front of anyone's house, rather they're both at the end of different side streets.  That in and of itself isn't bad, after all, I've put plenty of items out, although at the end of my driveway, as "free stuff".  The issue I have with these two items in particular, is that these items sat out there for over 2-weeks!  I don't know if the original owners finally removed them or if someone finally took them or even if someone had enough, took them and tossed them.

Again, I don't have an issue with the concept of these items being offered up but, please, respect your neighbors and don't be a lazy piece of shit, and leave these items curbside for weeks on end.

This "Celebrate Trails Day" sign was placed at the entry to the park\ball field.  Again, in concept, no issues here and actually a good spot in terms of local traffic for many to see. The issue I have is the sign reads, "4th Saturday in April".  I took this picture on May 13th!  Following a storm we had, the sign had blown over and was on the other side of the entry way.  It happened to be Monday, May 29, trash day, so on my way back from my noontime walk, I picked up the sign and carried it to and discarded it in my trash barrel.

Point being, if you put signs like this up or yard sale signs or lost cat signs, do the right thing; the respectful things and drag your lazy fat asses back out and remove them!  Your responsibilities don't end until you've cleaned your crap up!

This picture is kinda tough to make, as I was too far away, but another perfect example of entitlement and blatant disregard for others, as well as posted signage.

It's a woman and her two dogs on the soccer field, where scads of kids are instructed on every weekend.  The woman is using one of those tennis ball throwing sticks and the dogs are chasing balls all over the field.  The posted sign, on the right side of the entry way reads, "All pets must be on a leash.  Please clean up after your pet"!  I see this quite often, on this soccer field, as well as the one a mile up the street.  Different people, doing similar things with their dogs, WHY?

How does a pet owner clean up urine?  The town maintains these ball fields - mows, fertilizes and water, which equals an expense passed on to the tax payers.  Dog urine kills grass. Kids are playing and falling and rolling on these fields, parents are sitting in the grass on the sidelines watching their kids, do they really need to potentially doing so in dog urine?  Need I say more?

I understand it's great exercise for the dogs but it's NOT the place!  There is a dog park a couple hundred yards off to the right of the posted sign.  Now, I realize there isn't a whole lot of space in the dog park to throw a ball too far, however, it is what it is.  The dog park is for dogs and the soccer field is for kids\adults.

Again, show some common curtsey for others and respect these common areas for what they're intended for.

People suck!

See original "Sad State of Affairs" posting here

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