Friday, January 26, 2024

A Cut Above

So, I ordered these kitchen shears from Amazon back on November 15.  They were on sale and something like $2.50 each, which I thought was a good deal.  Plus I have one already and it has been very handy, so why not pick up a couple extras at a great price.

When the order was placed, Amazon indicated I would receive the items by November 18. Fast forward to early December and the items had yet to arrive, UGH!  I had texting the company several times via Amazon chat with no responses, more UGH!  Finally on December 8, I requested a refund and on December 10 I received confirmation that I was given a full refund, HORRAY!

You can imagine my surprise when on January 23, some 69 days after I placed my original order, these two items arrived.

Not sure where the issue\delay was?  Was it that the items were coming from China or that they were being delivered by the USPS?!

Amazon delivery has me spoiled these days, UPS too.  Both these carriers are typically prompt, professional and deliver the packages right to the front door.  USPS and FedEx are the complete opposite.  In my experience, I see them as unreliable, lazy and unprofessional and it's hit or miss where I find my packages too. I would happily pay extra to be able to chose the delivery carrier whenever I place an order.

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