Friday, January 19, 2024

Brrr, It Was A Cold Night!

This old gal started acting up earlier in the week causing the basement CO alarm to go off.

I was able to put the boiler into "pilot" mode, which kept the pilot light lite and would also continue to circulate the water through out the house to prevent the pipes from freezing, not that it got that cold.  This eliminate any gas CO issues and allowed me to remain in the house for the night.

My plumber was here first thing the following morning, where he spent over an hour doing a complete, deep and through cleaning of the system.  He added putty to several areas that looked to be allowing air flow into the unit and also tightened up some loose pieces and parts, again to help eliminate extra air into the system.

Fingers crossed, and have remained crossed this past week, that this work fixed the issue and that it will get me through the winter months!  It's an older system, some 30-40 years old, and although solid, I've been kicking the can for far too long.  Hoping she hangs on, so I can address when it's warmer and not now under these conditions.

I can't say enough about Chris Henry at Franklin Plumbing, Heating and Gas!  He is terrific and has saved my butt several times in the last couple of years.  I HIGHLY recommend, if you're in need of a local plumber.

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