Sunday, March 17, 2024

A Fresh Coat Of Paint Makes a Difference II

Bedroom #2 repainted this afternoon!

I dismantled the bed and moved in into the other bedroom with all the other miscellaneous stuff from this room.  Slid the dresser out of the way and off I went.

Sanded the walls where I had previously patched, removed the outlet plates, shop-vac'd around the base of the walls, removed the radiator covers and vacuumed and then scrubbed them clean. Taped off the areas I was about to paint and off I went! 

Wall #1 before -

Wall #1 after -

The paint is a Disney themed\titled paint from The Home Depot and it's color is called "Oh Bother Blue".  It's from 2003 and was fine just a tad thick, so I added a little water to thin it out a bit and it went on super easy. The problem is that the paint can and lid rusted. It was difficult to get it opened and as you can kinda see in the pic, there's no way the lid was going back on.  There wasn't much left when I finished, so I added a cup of kitty litter to it, stirred it good and in the trash it went.  The other paint cans I've opened from early 2000 all had rusted lid issue.

Wall #2 before -

Wall #2 after -

I'll let the paint dry, then maybe tomorrow after work I'll put on the new outlet covers and move all the furniture back in.

Looks SO much better! I am pleased!

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