Saturday, March 02, 2024

In Need Of Assistance

A hot-button topic for sure!

So, I've been going into the Boston office more often these days; taking the commuter rail into South Station, then it's a short walk to office.

I will tell you that I've noticed a substantial increase in the number of homeless folks loitering in and around South Station. Some inside to get out of the cold and some inside to use the restrooms.  Sadly, it's not unusual to also see one or two inside splayed out or passed out or whatever you want to call it, assuming high as a kite!  They appear to be keeping to themselves and not bothering people, so suppose that's a good thing and why they're tolerated.

I have heard that some homeless do not care to stay at shelters for whatever their reasons.  Pictured above is a person cocooned in that tattered blue tarp and with an umbrella overtop of him.  Guessing that's his spot, as he's been there for a couple months now.  In the mornings, he's sitting atop that pile with a sign asking for money but in the evenings, he appears to be nestled inside and bundled up.

Of course, I have no idea of this person's story, how he ended up here, not being in a shelter, etc. but it's sad really. Guessing he's an American, otherwise he'd be setup comfortably in one of the Boston area hotel that have been converted into housing for the illegal migrants versus taking care of one of our own, sad really.  

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