Friday, March 08, 2024

Shameful Really

Why was Biden yelling at me last night during his state of the union address?!

Why was he so fixated on his "predecessor" and NOT the issues at hand?

Here are the topics he touched on in the first 20 minutes - Putin, Ukraine, his predecessor, NATO, the insurrection, IVF, Roe v Wade, COVID.  Why was America and the troubles here at home NOT a priority? Illegal migrants flooding into the country! The economy - crazy high food prices, rent prices, interest rates!  The lawlessness, homelessness (for legal US citizens like our military veterans)! The gangs, drugs and violence problems?  

Why did it take him about 40-minutes before he touched on the crisis at the boarder?!

Are the following price examples, from a local grocery store, what that senile fucktard was referring to last night when he was talking about, and taking credit for, how well the economy is doing?!

He certainly showed me where is priorities are, which are NOT where they should or need to be in my opinion, and just how disconnected he really is on what the typical, everyday citizen is dealing and struggling with.

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