Friday, July 31, 2020

Meet "Rocky"!

Unlike Elmer Fudd, I am successful at hunting the wabbit!

Finally, got my hands on this young'n.

Admittedly, I am out of practice at sexing baby rabbits.  Even when we were raising rabbits it was difficult to sex them.  From what I can tell, and honestly I'm guessing, this is a boy.

Wild rabbits just don't understand how caged life works.  For example, I put a nice dish of pellets in one corner of the cage and a dish of fresh water in the opposite corner.  Went out the next morning and there's rabbit smart pills (poop) in the water dish and he's pee'd in the pellet dish.

I've named him "Rocky".  For days leading up to his arrest and capture I was constantly chasing him out of my gardens and yard by hurling rocks at him. 100% misses each time and I'm fairly certain one of the last time, before he scurried off , he flipped me off...

We'll see who gets the last laugh!

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