Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Vegetable Garden Doing Great!

Our garden is doing fantastic this year, which make me happy!

I've planted tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cucumbers and peppers and all are loving this hot and humid weather.  Of course, they're also happy because I hand water everyone every evening, so they're getting plenty to drink all the while enjoying the heat.

So, I planted two rows of Yukon Gold potatoes, approx. 15 taters in each row.  Knowing I needed to hill the potatoes as they grew, I started by planting the seedlings in trenches about a foot deep.  This first pic was taken on Thursday May 27 - 

The following pics were take a month later on Saturday June 26.  I've added dirt to the potato rows about 4 times now, lugging 5-gallon buckets of compost too.  The plants are now about mid-chest high and thriving!  I staked them this past weekend to keep the plants from falling or blowing over and hilled more dirt.  Hoping they're growing just as well under ground as they are above. If so, we'll have more taters than know what to do with...

Here are my three plantings of Silver Queen corn.  I planted these three clumps, two weeks about each.  I also planted these in ditched and have been mounding compost around the base as they grow.  Hoping these feeds them good and helps to support them on their own so they don't topple over.  I'm not rushing the summer but cannot wait to pick and eat some fresh home grown corn on the cob - 

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