Sunday, October 30, 2022

Dine and Dash...

Well, the deer are getting bolder and bolder these days.  Not sure if it's the onset of winter and their need to bulk up or the fact that I've not been actively chasing them off when I see them around.  At this time of the year I don't mind them eating my plants, as there will be that much less that I need to cut back as a part of my fall cleanup.  However, spring time when the perennials are popping up and I start planting my garden, I do NOT want these critters around.

The other exception to the above is STAY AWAY FROM MY MUMS! Alas, as you can see they did not listen and instead ate most of the beautiful flowers off all three of my mums.

Before and looking terrific - 

After their late night or early morning snack time -

Here is further evidence for those doubter.  Yes, kinda hard to make out unless you know what your looking at -

More of the same -

While eating my mums why not eat or at least try some of these other salad bar looking plants - 

Even my hydrangeas, alas -

Again, my tolerance level is higher at this time of the year and I do wish them well for the upcoming New England winter, BRRRRRRR

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