Sunday, October 30, 2022

Splinter Ouchies!

Back in early September, when I was mowing the lawn, I rub up against a fence post and subsequently got stabbed with a good size splinter.  Fortunately, I was wearing long pants, which minimized the ouchies!  I was able to pull the splinter out, continued mowing and thought nothing of it.  After my shower that evening I tried to assess the ouchie but since it was on the outside part of my right leg, I couldn't get at it, nor really see it; I simply don't bend that way.  I applied Neosporin and a band-aid and forgot about it.  However, over the next couple of days it swelled up, got red and was super sensitive, so much so that it was keeping me up at night. 

I thought it best to visit my local urgent care facility just to be safe.  That was back on September 7th.  The nurses and doctor were terrific, an overall great experience.  However, as nice and friendly, and being a jokester as the doctor was, all he did was look at the wound and ever so gently pressed the area, then claimed he didn't think there was anything in there, that it was infected, put me on antibiotics for a week and instructed me to soak in the tub.

Fast forward to October 21, YES 44-days later, and see what I pulled out of the wound, picture above!  I kid you not! After all this time the wound was not healing and although not sensitive any longer I did occasionally get a zing here and there depending on how the area was hit and that right there explains it!  

Today is the 30th and the wound is just about healed.

I'd really be pissed had my insurance not covered my visit 100%.

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