Friday, December 01, 2023

Kudos To Chevy

With what seems to be an increase with the holiday car commercials, I've been thinking about posting how these companies (Genesis, Lexus, Audi, etc.) are SO disconnected from reality with their over the top, fake and foolish television ads.

Their so focused on pushing their products and making a buck, that they don't seem to acknowledge that people are struggling to get by and to make ends meet.  Affordable housing, whether renting or buying has skyrocketed.  Regular every day staples like bread, milk and eggs are stupidly expensive and the worry about how to keep their families fed are enormous.  Gas for vehicles or to heat homes; critical and needed prescriptions are ridiculously overpriced and on and on! Then on comes these phony ads with some BS story lines and outrageous monthly car payments all the while being presented in such a way that everyone is doing it, so easy, no worries.

These commercials are right up there with all the annoying drug commercials. Enough, GO AWAY!

Then in a shockingly different approach, I found this holiday commercial by Chevrolet that changes everything.  Rather than touting some foolish scenario, e.g. how a spouse surprises their significant other with an over the top and unnecessary SUV with a ginormous red bow atop of it, this Chevy commercial opts to instead highlight an all too real issue so many family are faced and struggling with!  This ad tugs at your heart and is sure to make you cry, especially if you've ever had to see a loved one suffer with dementia or Alzheimer.

Click the link to watch but have a tissue or two handy, you're gonna need it 😢, I did - 

A Holiday To Remember

I applaud Chevrolet for making such a commercial but more importantly I give a standing ovation and a big "THANK YOU" to ALL those that help and care for people struggling with Alzheimer and other memory issues!

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