Friday, July 28, 2023

Sorry, Not Our Problem!

I just got off the phone with the Franklin DPW, so frustrating!

I went for my noontime walk today and about a half mile down the road I noticed a huge tree had blown over and was now propped against the electrical lines just above the sidewalk and leaning towards and over the street!

We had a rain and wind storm last night, accompanied with a tornado warning, so there were leaves and branches and debris all over the place as a result. Fortunately, not too much damage in my area, although my corns plants are now all lying on their sides versus straight up, ALAS!

So, I thought it best to call the DPW to let them know, hoping they'd take care of it before it gets any worse.  Much to my surprise I was told that when it comes to the electrical lines, the DPW can't do anything about it.  The electric company needs to take care of these types of scenarios - OK makes sense.  She then proceeded to tell me that I need to call the electric company directly to report the issue!  She didn't even have the phone number to give me!  SO, WHAT?!  WTF!  So, the town of Franklin is fine with doing absolutely nothing when such an issue exists in their town?!  What is the DR plan in the event of a true disaster or emergency?  The town has NO problems with taking my tax money!  Why is it that my taxes keep going up, yet the town services have been going down or stopping?! How can this even be an acceptable response?  She said the homeowner would need to call, to which I informed her there was no home in that area, it's an open field.  I also let her know that since she and the town weren't concerned, I certainly wasn't and that I was only trying to be helpful.

Sadly and frustratingly, these are the times we live in today, where this sort of response is acceptable. No common curtsey, decency or compassion and a blatant lack of respect.

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