Friday, August 25, 2023

Oh SO Fresh, YUM!

I'm now reaping and eating 🤤 the rewards for all the work I put into my garden!

It's SO gratifying to go to the garden to pick your diner!  To know that what I planted is chemical free, safe and as fresh as fresh can be!

I'm enjoying endless BLTs, tomato and feta salads like my mom used to make and homemade pizza covered with fresh sliced tomatoes -

Bean casseroles, sautéed and baked bean dishes.  I've also prepared a and have frozen bags full too -

My favorite, silver queen corn!  Picked these last night, shucked and into the boiling water they went. I was SO excited to sink my teeth into these that I burnt the roof of my mouth for not waiting for them to cool.  No worries though, small price to pay for how scrumptious these are -

Looking forward to how my potatoes and carrots turn out!

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