Saturday, August 19, 2023

Philodendron Selloum

I was given this philodendron sulloum back in the fall by an old friend of my folks who moved to an assisted living facility.  It was in rough shape at the time, starving for light and also rootbound.  I kept in in the basement until the spring, when the weather warmed, then outside it went.  I repotted into a larger pot and added some fresh Miracle Grow indoor plant soil.  Fast forward to today and this bad boy has taken off and doubled in size and looks terrific!  It's loves being out, under the deck, in the sun (partial shade) and rain.

However, I'm now faced with a dilemma with fall approaching.  Obviously, it can't remain outdoors during our New England winters, so inside it must go but the question is where inside?  The basement is more of a place to go dormant and to overwinter my plants, so they don't freeze and die.  It's not a place for them to grow and thrive.  Ideally, I would like to have it someplace in the living area to be enjoyed and for it continues to grow.  The problem is, Philodendrons are a very poisonous houseplant and is NOT recommended to have pets around this plant. 

I guess we'll see and I'll make a decision when the time comes to bring it inside.  Until then it'll stay where it is to enjoy what's left of the summer.

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