My Milkweed plants have finally moved into a sunnier location and I have so many of them this year! Most are doing fantastic with oodles of flowers too, which smell terrific!
Although, I've had Milkweed for many years now, there have been no Monarch caterpillars that have called them, alas
Fingers crossed this could be the year since they're doing to well!
If the Red Milkweed Beetle, sometimes called "four eyes", is any indication, my hopes for Monarch's have grown since there are scads of them all over!
Red milkweed beetles, herbivores that eat only milkweed, are not harmful to monarchs or harm monarch eggs or larvae, so you do not need to remove them from your milkweed plants. The two species can and do coexist peacefully.
Here are just a couple pics of cuddling and dining beetles -

Fingers crossed!
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