Friday, June 07, 2024

Guests Best Check For Their Stay!

I opened the basement door that leads into the garage the other morning (this was back in April) and this is what I was presented with.  Do you see it?

At first I thought it might have been related to a very near miss I had with a red-tailed hawk driving home from the commuter rail.  We almost collided, as the hawk was weighed down by something in it's talons.  I assumed that this dead bunny was what the hawk was carrying and to avoid the collision it let go of it, which somehow landed on my car unbeknownst to me and slid off at some point once I parked in my garage.

However, after finding some additional oddities in the garage, here is what I think happened -

First, the other oddities were the mouse traps I had set in the garage, al four had been tripped and one was missing. I looked high and low I could not find it.  Only after mowing my lawn, when I was cleaning off the mower before pulling in back into the garage, did I find the missing trap.  It was on top of the mowing deck, an odd place!

What I believe happened is the rabbit ventured into the garage, perhaps when I had left the door open and was puttering in the front yard, and got itself trapped in there when I finished for the evening.  At some point it got into the traps, although small mouse traps, perhaps one injured it enough to eventually be fatal.  The one missing trap found on the mower deck would indicate it had shut on the rabbit in some way and came off as it moved around.  Or, maybe it was too cold in the garage, on the concrete floor, for an overnight stay and it didn't survive.

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