Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wicked Smaht Idea

For Father's Day Emilie bought me an animal escape ramp, which is a floating animal saver rescue tool for pools. 

You fill the main pad up with air, using a small hand pump that was included with the item, then put stones in the pouch that sits on the deck to secure it and keep it in place.

The premise is critters such as frogs, toads, chipmunks, etc. have a place to get out of the water and rest.  The smarter ones can use the ramp to escape to safety.

I can only assume this works as advertised, as there's no way of knowing for sure just how many critters make their way out.

This morning, during my regular pool inspection, I was happy to see this Green frog taking advantage of the floating lily pad, HAHA!

I'm guessing most frogs and toads will need assistance is getting out out -

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