Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Attempted Stealth Mode Pic

I heard this senior gentleman the other morning just after sunrise.  He wasn't "gobbling", as turkeys do, rather it was a quick throaty sound, which I'm assuming was still geared towards letting nearby hens know he was in the vicinity.

I will tell you, as I'm sure turkey hunters are well aware of, turkeys have incredible eyesight.  He noticed me in the window instantly and immediately picked up his pace, always keeping one eye on me.  As he turned the corner of the house, I was able to go to a different window that had the blinds down which kept me hidden a little better but he was still very leery and kept looking for me.

Skittish and ever vigilant he kept moving, he slowed and was picking and eating things off the lawn, which I am hoping were beetles and other insects.  I would have preferred he hangout a while and eat more bugs but he had other plans and slowly made his was into the wooded area out back.

They're always welcome, as I could watch them for hours.

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