Saturday, July 06, 2024

Find The Critter

Can you find the critter in the above picture?

I came across her on my early morning walk today.  She let me get a bit closer than normal, as she was preoccupied with a dog that was in the fenced yard off to her left.

She seemed a bit confused on what way to go but eventually chose her only real option which was an about face.

I snapped these pics of her but in hindsight wish I hit the video button instead because you could clearly hear her clip-ity clops, much like a horse, as she ran down the center of the street and off into the wooded area in the distance.

SO cool and a big reason why I enjoy my early morning walks; getting to see this AND the human mutants haven't yet stirred and ventured out.

The stare down - 

Hi Ho Silver Away -

And away -

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