Monday, July 01, 2024

Life Is A Series Of Hello's and Goodbye's

It's with mixed emotions that I post this, one of the more difficult ones I've written if I'm being honest.

Today, Monday July 1, 2024, is my last official day working for the company that I have been at for the last 25+ years 😢!  

I made my last commute into our Andover office today to hand in my equipment, making it official.

I passed this semi as I approached the office exit.  Pretty much says it all, putting an exclamation mark to my tenure, alas -

Truthfully, I'm a bit surprised at how this has been effecting me as the time has drawn near, very emotional 😥

A final picture of my Andover office workspace all emptied and cleared out -

Even my home office workspace has been dismantled -

With the sale of the company the end was inevitable for so many.

The official close date was 01/01/2024, at which time most IT folks were offered a 6-month transitional position with the new company to help ensure the transition was a smooth one.

Although, I would have preferred to have stayed on with the new company, at least a couple more years to bring me closer to retirement, sadly it just wasn't in the cards.  Seems there are other plans in store for me.

So, I now find myself unemployed for the first time since I was a teenager back in the 1970's, YIKES!  

Not sure what the future holds but staying open minded and optimistic and looking forward to what's to come next.

It was a good ride. I'm proud of my accomplishments in my job and what this job has allowed me to achieve in my personal life.


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