Saturday, July 20, 2024

Squirrel Boo Boo

This dude greeted me when I returned from my walk yesterday afternoon!

Looks like he was lounging and enjoying the day in my driveway, however, that was NOT the case.

Nope, sadly this dude was injured.

I'm guessing at the cause of his injuries, which I can only imaging in the squirrel world is quite the embarrassment!  I would wager that this dude simply fell out of a tree, which broke his back, as he had NO use of his backend, absolutely none.  He was crawling and pulling himself along with his front legs, the rest just dragging uselessly behind it.

I reached out to a local wildlife rehabilitator via Facebook to see if she could assist, however, when I final received a reply it was suggested that I take the animal to get xrayed, yeah NO!

The duded was cute, no doubt, but other than struggling to move around he didn't appear to be in any pain.  I did move him to a cool, shaded area with plants for him to hide amongst.

The below video shows the dude scooting about some -

He was in the same general area this morning when I checked in on him.  I was really hoping the wildlife rehabilitator would have taken him and put him down humanly versus him slowly passing on.

Trying to look at things more positively these days, so that being said - I have one less squirrel digging in my front yard and flower beds and raiding the bird feeder...too soon?! 

**** UPDATE ****

The wildlife rehabilitator texted me yesterday, Saturday, to inquire about the squirrel.  After exchanging messages and some pics of the critter, she swung by.  We boxed him up and she made arrangements to have someone bring him to Tufts Wildlife Clinic, some 20+ miles away, for xrays and further evaluations.

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