Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Consequences To Ones Actions

Frye's garden NOT McGregors but same rules apply!

Although, this youngster was not the one responsible for eating my carrot and bean plants, see below, I can assure you it will never have the opportunity to do so in the future -

I even installed a fence around my raised vegetable beds specifically to keep the rabbits and deer out, which makes the damage and loss that much more frustrating!

One section of my beans and one example of the damage done, GRRR -

Similar example but with my carrots, double GRRR - 

They even do a number of my Rose Campion plants, triple GRRR -

For such small critters, it's amazing the damage they can do and in such a short time.  I can look out off my back deck and often see 2, 3, 4 or 5 rabbits at a time.  There are oodles of them this summer, far too many.

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