Friday, July 26, 2024

Insect Damage!

Here are some examples of the damage being done to plants in my yard this summer by critters, which I alluded to in an earlier post.

My Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) and in this example you can see the flower pedals have been eaten on almost all the blooms - 

My Monarda (Bee Balm), the leaves on most of these plants have been destroyed -

My Sunflowers, the lower leaves have been eaten away -

My Clerodendrum Trichotomum (Harlequin Glorybower) leaves are riddled with holes and their edges destroyed -

My tomato plants -

My pepper plants - 

The above examples are all being done by insects, e.g. Japanese beetles, tomato hornworms, slugs, etc.  I don't recall this much damage in years past.  This year has been unique.  I do my pest to manage these pests without the need for chemicals.  It's a battle for sure but also a part of the process.

Since we're on the subject, it's worth mentioning again that the wild rabbits and deer are also causing damage to various plants in my yard and gardens, ALAS...

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