Friday, July 30, 2021

Oh Boy, Snakes!

We had some heavy heavy rains a couple weeks ago, so much so that the local streams and rivers were higher than I'd ever seen them before; incredible amounts of water!

I suspect that all that rain and rushing water was to blame for many a critter being disrupted and displaced, which could account for me running into so many snakes during a morning walk following a rainy night.

Of course I was in my glory, reliving my youth and wanting so bad to catch each and every one.

Here is a good size Northern Water Snake - 

One of the biggest Northern Water Snakes I've seen -

A good size Eastern Garter Snake -

Another good size Eastern Garter Snake - 

I saw others smaller Garter snakes but they didn't stick around for photos, nope they hightailed it outta there each time.


I still see the Garter snakes occasionally.

Sadly, heart breaking really, I came upon one of the Northern Water Snake pictured above dead in the street not far from where I took his picture only a couple days earlier.  I moved it out of the road and back into the stream, so not to get hit and squashed repeatedly.

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