Saturday, May 13, 2023

Find The Critter

Can you find the critter in the below pic?!

I came across this dude this morning on walk.  He was about the size of a half dollar coin, for those that know what a half dollar coin is and looks like, HA!  Honestly, not sure how I spotted it but all I can tell you is I saw it as clear as day as I approached!  After taking several pics, I moved it safely away from the street, as you can see it was too close.

Sadly, this time of year there is quite a bit of road kill taking place and this mornings walk proved just that.  Many of the critters go unnoticed as you scoot by in your vehicles but when walking you see so much more.  Here are a few examples from this morning - squirrel, opossum, chickadee, cardinal, several frogs, a snake and a beautiful weasel.  The weasel wasn't squashed, so I moved it out of the road an into the woods, for what it's worth.

This dude blends into the sidewalk SO well.  Guessing the warmth of the tar is too appealing for such critters.

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