Monday, May 29, 2023

"Tater Tower" Experiment

Built myself a "tater tower" -

And planted some Yukon Gold potatoes -

Now we wait -

The premise behind this tater tower is to make it easier to 'hill' the potatoes.  More soil is added as the vine grows.  Eventually, a second row of side boards will need to be added  as the vine continues to grow upwards.  I bought and cut enough boards to add three sides, which are 10" tall.

'Hilling' produces more potatoes, as they grow off the vine, which continues to grow and get covered by adding more soil as it does.

Just an experiment to see how well it does.  At a minimum harvesting these potatoes should be SO much easier then when planted directly in the ground - too much digging.  I will simple topple the tater tower come fall and hopefully my spoils will be easy to shift through to collect!

Stay tuned!

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