Monday, September 25, 2023

A Productive Saturday

With Saturday being rainy and a little on the chilly side, I opted to take care of the inside chores versus outside.

After a brisk 3-mile walk first thing and before the rain arrived, I headed off to the market (prices are stupid expensive, good lord!).

I prefer going to the market early in the hope of avoiding as many assholes as possible.  Doesn't mean I miss them, as there are simply too many of them, it just limits my exposure to them.

Once home and most of the groceries put away, I spent some time separating the meats I bought into individual freezer bags for quick and easy use down the road.

Then the cleaning began - throw rugs and mats shaken. Pet bedding, pet blankets and pet toys into the washer - Trixie had a spa day at the groomers on Thursday, so only made sense to give her things a through cleaning too! Complete vacuuming from top to bottom, including the tile and linoleum floors and the basement.  Cleaning of the commodes, sinks, showers and tubs. The mopping of all floors, again, including the basement stairs and floor.  Washing of my bedding and all towels.  Cleaned the stove top, microwave, toaster and counter tops.

Oh SO clean!

Trixie - haircut, mani\pedi and a nice bath -

Then I made a lasagna, with ground turkey (2nd attempt), which I've been craving!  A bit dry, still working on perfecting the recipe, but honestly if I do say so myself, very tasty anyway -

While the lasagna was cooling, I changed and went for a 6-mile run to finish the day on my feet.

A refreshing shower and it was time to dig into my lasagna dinner, mmm SO good!

I was out like a ton of bricks as soon as my head hit the pillow and had a very good sleep!

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