Thursday, September 21, 2023

Munching Machines

During our motorcycle ride this past Sunday, we stopped at a Rhode Island gas station for a snack and a stretch.

I may or may not have snuck off into the wooded area for a quick potty break 😉 before getting back on the bike.  TMI I know but when you gotta go, you gotta go!

In the wooded area I noticed a small oak tree that was almost bare of it's leaves, odd for this time of the season.  Upon closer inspection I saw the reason why, it had dozens of these caterpillars all over it and as you can see these are the culprits as to why the leaves were missing.

Turns out these are Orange-striped oakworm caterpillars and they're known to feed on the leaves of oak trees in late summer early autumn.  Seems they're native to North American and the good news is that these defoliators rarely affect tree health and since they're a native species, they have many natural predators to help keep them in check.

And away we rode...

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