Monday, September 04, 2023

Fall Annual Plantings

I took a drive to Marshfield yesterday and spent the day with my farmer friend, Tim. I'm ashamed to admit that I hadn't seen him all summer long, so it was a long overdue visit.  As always, we have no problem picking up right where we left off and spent day chatting and catching up. Wish we lived closer.

And per usual, I leave there with a car load of plants, and yesterday's visit was no different!  Even though the summer is officially over and our first frost isn't too far off, I left with oodles of annuals - Inpatients, Dahlias, Coleus and Cannas

These inpatient's won't last long but they should take off now that I planted them directly in the dirt and provides some awesome red color to the front of my house -

Same with these dahlias too, they should get a big pick-me-up now that they're out of their pots.  Hoping this will encourage the flowers to bloom too before the cold weather arrives - 


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