Sunday, September 10, 2023

Tater Tower Bust

Yesterday was the day I decided to harvest the potatoes I planted in my "tater tower".  

I've been super curious to see how growing potatoes in this fashion would turn out.

I like the concept, as well how little space a tower actual takes compared to planting them directly in the soil in rows.  Also, a lot less work utilizing a tower versus in the ground.

All that being said, I must admit that I'm disappointed in the end results - not nearly as many potatoes as I was expecting or hoped for!  I thought there would be more potatoes growing along the stalks that got covered as I added sides and more compost but that too was not the case.

Two of the four sides removed -

Here is the harvesting results.  Just barely covers the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket, with the majority of the taters about the size of a golf ball, BOO - 

I "harvested" about as many grubs, in my tater tower, as I did potatoes!  These grubs were jumbo sized too -

As disappointed as I am with the turn out, I'm thinking I'll give this one more try next season but time I'll plant a different type of potato.  Seems that these Yukon Gold, which are so delicious, might not be the best.  

I saved all the tater tower pieces and will rebuild again come next season.  Stay tuned...

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