Saturday, September 16, 2023

I'm Just About Done With The NFL!

 So, after only the first game of the season, I'm already, close to giving up on watching NFL football this upcoming season and here are some of  my reasons why - 

1 - Too many breaks and commercials! Too much time spent hocking product! Run a play, go to commercial. Come back run a play, go to a commercial. Come back, run a play, penalty, go to a commercial, score go to a commercial, extra point try, go to a commercial, and on and on it goes, turning a 60-minute game into a 3+ hour waster of time!

2 - Too much bullshit celebrating when the primidone's make a play.  First, it's your flipping job and second, often times your team is losing, so BFD you make a nice play.  The game is 60-minutes long, celebrate at the end!

2a - Too much celebrating on regular plays, end zone plays and BS antics!  Act like you've been there before!

3 - Admittedly, it's a tough, violent game but get up off the fucking field when you get hurt (with some exceptions of course), so the game can continue!

4 - Bullshit calls by referees!

4a - Bullshit delays by referees trying to sort penalties out!

4b - Bullshit instant-replay delays!

AND now this - the NFL trying to force this divisive nonsense down America’s throats.  I agree with what Kari Lake, Larry Elder and Burgess Owens had to say in this article - 

NFL Goes ‘Woke,’ Makes A Massive Change Before Games

All in all, too many frick'n delays!

Sorry, NOT sorry, but all of the above annoyances have taken the enjoyment out of the game for me.

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