Sunday, November 19, 2023

Better Safe Than Sorry!

I learned a hard lesson last winter, the result being a frozen and burst basement pipe!  The burst pipe feed one of my outside spigots.

I have (3) outside spigots and last fall I protected only two of them. The one I failed to cover, is the one that froze.  Suppose that's what 20 years of false security does to you, as I never covered my spigots before and never had an issue.

So, I bought a third styrofoam spigot cover and have installed all three ahead of the coming cold weather. These do make a BIG different and keep the frigid cold air from direct contact with the copper pipes.  A worthwhile investment for sure, especially with what it cost me to have the burst pipe repaired, not to mention the inconvenience of needing to turn the main water to the house off until the repairs were done AND the God awful mess that was made in the basement!

Ah, live and learn!

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