Sunday, November 05, 2023

I Will Call Her "Karen"

Per usual, Saturday mornings I'm up and out early to do my errands.  For those of you following along, I do this in an effort to get my errands out of the way before the day kicks in but more importantly, before all of the selfish, inconsiderate, mean and rude people wake and venture out.

Now, don't be fooled that just because I'm up and out that I avoid "them", nope, there are still plenty of these cretin out there early too, plenty!

Here's an example that I witnessed yesterday at Trader Joe's -  A woman, guessing late 30s, using a shopping carriage for her ONE bag of groceries, walked to her car, which was just outside of the store, unloaded the ONE bag into her vehicle then proceed to get in and drive away! 

Several things - 
#1 - The carriage is positioned where the woman stopped to transfer her bag to her car, see pic below.  Notice where it is in relation to the actual lined parking space, hence how she parked.  That in and of itself is a HUGE red flag about the character of person.
#2 - NO care or consideration for others, as she left her carriage in the middle of an open space, preventing someone from being able to pull directly in.  PLUS it's in the way of the driver side door of the car still there.
#3 - The carriage corral is literally right there, like 10' away!  Talk about utter laziness.

Although, perhaps nitpicky little things, it's these small things that are HUGE indicators of who and how people are, in my book anyway.  Selfish, lazy and inconsiderate.

Hoping that karma knocks on her door real soon.  There is just NO excuse for this sort of behavior, NONE!

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