Saturday, November 18, 2023

King Of The Jungle

Mighty Oliver checking out the Philodendron I placed next to his domed litter box.

An elderly friend, who had to move into assisted living, asked me to take this plant. Mind you, when I first brought it home, it did NOT look like it does in the picture, nope!  I transplanted it into a larger pot, using miracle grow soil, then left it outside under my deck all summer long.  It loved it and took off, more than twice as big.

And YES, I am aware that Philodendrons contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans, dogs, cats, and other animals.

I've since moved it from the bathroom, as shown in the picture, to a tall table in the living room. It looks really nice there and will keep an eye on Trixie and Oliver to make sure they don't bother with it.  Chances are it will need to go back down to the basement, so not to temp the mighty one from eating it.

Mighty my ass! 

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