Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Full Day Retreat!

I finally made it to Marshfield, MA to see my farmer friend Tim.  It was a long overdue visit, one that I am ashamed took too long to take place.  However, as with all my visits, spending the day with Tim is wonderful!  I stop and grab coffee and tea, and muffins and we sat for hours just talking and catching up.  Although, the day flies by, it also stands still and it let me forget about my troubles and struggles and to just relax and be in the moment.

And always I never leave empty handed, he will NOT let me! Typically, I leave with a car load full of plants, which means work for me when I get home, and this visit was no different.

He sent me off with a dozen or so outdoor plants, perennials, that needed to be planted, which I took care of yesterday.  However, I'm finding it harder and harder to find places to stick all these due to full flower beds and lack of sunny spots.  My yard was once mostly sun, however, over the years and with the all (small) trees I've planted (now BIG trees), the yard is mostly shade.

He also sent me home with the below house plants.  He was offering and pushing more and I would have taken more but the foolish cat I have will not leave them alone and is always finding a way to eat them, GRRR, so I was selective and passed on many!

A beautiful Aloe Vera plant, which I transplanted into this larger pot -

A nice Bamboo plant, in a fancy elephant pot -

This unique plant is called "Hoya Kerri", also known as "Hoya Heart", which you can see why.   Like the Aloe Vera, this plant is also a succulent and doesn't require much care, and for what it's worth this plant is pet friendly and not toxic to dogs and cats.  However, if the cat does get into this plant, he'll have BIGGER things to worry about than toxicity...ME!  He's already on thin ice!

The last thing I need heading into the cold New England winter are house plants but I welcome them and very thankful for Tim's gestures.

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