Monday, September 02, 2024

What A Treat!

I picked some of my peppers yesterday, the bigger ones. There are oodles more out there coming along too!

I cut most up into slices and layered them on a cookie sheet and into the freezer they went.  I'll take them out today and place them into freezer bags.  This way I will have them at my disposal and can grab any amount I need with ease -

I kept the BIGGER ones to be used in my Greek stuffed peppers recipe - 

Fresh out of the oven, piping hot and smelling SO awesome -

Helping #1 cut up and ready for devouring -

I got a bit bolder and modified the recipe as I went and to be honest, I NAILED IT!  OMG, they came out so tasty and delicious!  I ate two last night, BURP, and will freeze the rest for fall\winter meal when the days are shorter and I'm too lazy to cook.

Reaping the rewards of growing my own vegetables and making a nice home cooked meal.


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