Saturday, September 14, 2024

What A Ride!

What an absolutely beautiful day for a ride yesterday!

We took off around 10AM, jumped on Rt 140 and headed West towards the towns of Belchertown and Ware Massachusetts, home to the Quabbin Reservoir.  All secondary roads and being a "work day" for most fools, traffic was light and the ride so enjoyable!

Before getting to the reservoir we stopped in the town of Hardwick, picked up some lunch and headed to a spot called Hanks Meadow within the reservation itself, which has some picnic tables and a terrific view of the Quabbin.  Such a quiet and peaceful spot!

After lunch, relaxing and taking in the views off we went.  We chose a different route home, which took use through some scenic small MA towns, many with beautiful old stone churches and building, then into Connecticut with some amazing farm-type land, eventually back into MA and back home around 6:30PM.

A tremendous 198 miles ride!


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