Sunday, September 01, 2024

Tennessee Arachnids

The old Airbnb farmhouse we stayed at in Gray Tennessee was home to a number of the below yellow garden spiders!  They're also know as - black and yellow garden spider, golden garden spider, writing spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, black and yellow argiope, corn spider, Steeler spider, or McKinley spider.

You can see in the pics below why the name "zipper spider" came to being...

There was one next to the porch stairs and we started feeding it!  Yup, we'd search for bugs big enough to toss into it's web.  Bugs were hard to find with Japanese beetles were the easiest to locate, often hiding in the rose flowers.  The spider wouldn't react immediately when it's meal was tossed into its web, rather it would wait until the bug started to move then WHAM, it was on it where it would start wrapping the bug in webbing; rolling it with its legs as it was dispensing web from it's backside, very cool to watch.

Click this link here to see a short video I took, which isn't the best -

We saw several Praying Mantises too, which is always fun.

Interestingly, when we drove on our 15+ acres of land, that had yet to be hayed, grasshoppers were flying everywhere.  There were oodles of them, with the hood of the SUV covered.

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