Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not One, Not Two But Three POS

Another example of "People Suck", which I sat and watched unfold I kid you not!

I was finishing up running my errands this morning and since it was just about noontime I thought I'd treat myself to a grilled chicken Cesar salad wrap sandwich,  Instead of grabbing it and heading home, I opted to swing by a local pond\walking trail\park area an eat my lunch while enjoying the beautiful day.

As I ate I took in the sights and did some people watching.  In particular, I watched this young woman with two leashed dog cross the street and come into the park.  For some reason she proceed to walk through the picnic table area, you know the area where people eat, not around it.  Well, of course mother nature called and one of her dogs squatted and proceed to take a BIG dump (in the area between the two white picnic tables in the pic below). C'mon, really!  People gather and eat there, have some clue and common courtesy.

Good news, shockingly yes, she did pick up and bag the feces - what a good responsible dog owner, kudos to her <sarcasm>!

However, she then walked towards the path that leads alongside the pond and dropped the bagged poop on the ground beside a large rock, see pic below.  Now I assumed since she just arrived at the park that she was leaving this there to be picked up upon here return, which still irks me in principle!  NO ONE wants to see that or accidently step on it even if here intentions were honest.  Not too mention that there were two trash cans within 40 feet of where she tossed the bad on the ground, lazy

Then off she went along the pond path, oblivious to how selfish and inconsiderate she is.  Some 10 minutes later her she comes walking back AND carrying another bag of dog crap!  Guessing her second dogs BM kicked in, so walks over time to head home.

YES, you all guessed it, she walked in the opposite direction from the bag she tossed on the ground, did find the trash can where she disposed of the second bag of poop AND then proceeded to walk away, cross the street and leave, I kid you not!

What an inconsiderate POS!

This is why we can't have nice things anymore!  People ruin things for everyone with their selfishness.

May both her dogs get explosive diarrheas and that she has wall-to-wall shag carpet to boot! 

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