Saturday, September 07, 2024

Preserved To Enjoy Later

I will call this "Poor Mans Canning".

I have oodles and oodles of tomatoes coming out of my ears!  Seems like they ripened all of a sudden too.

I've been eating them as best I can - BLTs, Greek tomato salads, toping my pizzas with them, adding them to my cooking and yet I still don't seem to be making a dent.

SO, yesterday I spent several hours preparing and freezing well over 30 of this delicious dudes!

A quick, less than 4 minutes, dip in boiling water, which loosens the skin to where it easily falls right off - 

My work area -

Once skinned, I cut up into cubes, removing the seeds (as best that would just fall off) and removed the harder innards -

Tossed the pieces and parts, along with salt, into some containers and into the freezer they went -

When the days are short and it's cold outside, I can pull one of this bad boys out, thaw and enjoy in a sauce or some dish, MMM MMM GOOD!


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