Sunday, September 08, 2024

Find The Critter

Although, not an individual critter rather a home to critters.

That being said, can you find the critter in the below pic?!

I will tell you, and as you can see in the pics, that this bees nest was built directly over the sidewalk and only about 8' to 10' off the ground, so just over head high!

I've walked that sidewalk many times and only yesterday did I spot this.

I believe this is a bald-faced hornets nest and, although, they're related to yellowjackets in my experience they're not as aggressive.  Well, at least from my standpoint and past experiences, these dudes seem more tolerant than their kin, at least up until they're disturbed then watch out!

One other item worth noting, which may be a good thing here, is that since the DPW of Franklin does a terrible job, in my opinion, of performing regular and general upkeep and preventative maintenance, the limbs from this ornamental pear tree hang SO low that in many cases folks need to step off the sidewalk into the street to get by, therefore avoiding a stinging altercation.

About the size of a volleyball and VERY active with comings and goings -

I've sent an email, with pics, to the Franklin highway and grounds superintendent.  Lets see if I get a reply and if they take care of the nest AND the long overdue limb pruning...

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