Monday, September 02, 2024

Flashing Checking 101

I'm a Frye, it's what WE do.  This task has been handed down from one generation to the next - 
"check the flashing"!

I'm sure my grandfather, CBFrye, and my dad, CBFrye Jr., would approve and be proud.  They're both "master flasher checkers" and I'm proud to say that I'm on track to be one too!

I've picked up and continue to carry on the "did you check the flashing" tradition!

Today, I checked and re-applied the tar flashing around my chimney.  As you can see in the pic below it was time, as the flashing dried and had cracks in it -


A fresh coat of flashing and I'm now worry free from any leaks with the up and coming winter.

After - 

I'm not sure when I bought this can of Henry's FlashMaster but guessing some 20+ years ago and today I finished it off, empty.  That's a lot of flashing I've done over the years.

I learned from the best and continue to carry on the Frye tradition of "checking the flashing" whenever up on the roof, any roof!

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